Friday, January 10, 2014

The Russian Concubine

I was in the mood for a fun read during the two weeks that I had off in December. I thought Kate Furnivall's The Russian Concubine would be that novel. I don't know why I wasted by time with it.

I cringed my way through the writing - it was so bad that I was conscious of it most of the way through the story, so couldn't fully immerse myself. So many cliches.
   The history was interesting, but Belinda Alexander did a similar Russian refugee in China story, which was far superior.
   The story was way too far-fetched, and the main character, a teenage girl who seemed to stomp her foot and get her own way all the time - she was the most annoying character ever. After putting everyone through a lot of unnecessary stress and pain, the character seems to grow up suddenly and leave the mess in her wake without a thought.
   The longer I've thought about it, the worse I've thought of it.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that you didn't enjoy this one more, especially since you were looking for a fun read. Hope the next book you pick up is more to your liking. :
